Say no to the “self-help” movement

Say no to the “self-help” movement

New year, new beginnings, new health goals, new resolutions…no thank-you!

Dr. Rachelle and I decided to start 2022, stirring things up a little. How can two people who have literally dedicated a combined 30 years to “natural health” not believe in self-help?

It’s pretty simple because we have seen it all. What starts as a big goal for improvement typically ends with feelings of failure. The message that if we “just do these 5 things,” we will achieve (fill in the blank) is not only BS but harmful. It allows for no room for pauses, setbacks, reality checks, shifting values…basically the growth of any sort.

Many times the actual “failure” or loss of motivation in these plans is the precious gift of all. If we are not mired in guilt, shame and disappointment, we can begin to align ourselves with our true heart desires that revealed themselves from the failure. We can build an individualized, accessible plan to get us there.

Don’t get us wrong, the evolution of self is a beautiful thing to strive for. When approached with the truth it comes with ease, struggle, challenges, and wins. What it does not include is: a 5 step one size fit all approach.

Anything, spark your interest here? Join us for the entire episode @ profile.

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Say no to the “self-help” movement

Food freedom over the holidays

I love fruit cake, and I wait all year for it to come back on the shelves.

But wait a second, isn’t it filled with sugar, fat, carbs, and a million calories per slice? You bet it is, and I enjoy every bite of it.

As Naturopathic doctors, @drviinberg and I believe in the power of healthy eating AND the importance of pleasure, connection, and joy that food can bring.

This episode discusses the delicate balance we take on when advocating healthy food choices AND avoiding diet flare-ups for the patients we treat.

It was during this conversation the light bulb genuinely went on for me:

-Diets are dysfunctional and harmful, and food habits create harmony and health.

During this show, we identified and discussed ways to implement a few healthy habitsso that you get the best of everything, eating your favorite seasonal foods without having to feel terrible, obsess or miss out on anything!

Spoiler alert: Dr. R’s favorite festive treat is egg nog and not soy, oat, almond, or other alternatives!

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Finding comfort during stressful times

Finding comfort during stressful times

One of the biggest things that Dr. Rachelle and I want to achieve with these podcasts is relatability, connection, and comfort.

I am in my bedroom in Ottawa while she is in her office in Toronto as we record these episodes week after week. Yet, the connection we have felt through these conversations is incredible. It turns out we are not as alone or different in our reactions to the past few years as we thought.

This episode could not be more relative to this intention. This week is all about stress and what that has looked like for ourselves and the people we treat. We discuss the inevitable stressors, the impact that it is having, and the opportunities to support yourself along the way.

We hope you receive a deeper understanding of what you have been experiencing in your mind, body, and emotions.

Our wish is that you leave this one with the ability to give yourself compassion as you realize just how difficult these past few years have been.

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Say no to the “self-help” movement

Sleep and the things that keep us up at night

In the mood for an honest conversation about sleep? You have come to the right place.

In a world where a simple google search or a mindless IG scroll will provide us with hundreds of tips, tricks, and advice on how to get a “good night’s sleep,” Dr. Rachelle and I decided to take this topic in a completely different direction.

So let’s assume we all know what to do to achieve restorative sleep; no screens before bed, blackout curtains, white noise blah, blah, blah and jump right into the truth.

In this episode, Dr. R and I chat about the realities of what keeps up a night despite our best efforts. Whether it is crying babies, snuggling puppies, worry thoughts, snoring partners (or all of the above), we discuss how to support your body through and around these disruptions so that the cost to your health is minimal.

Our ultimate intent is to help you feel better even if you are currently not sleeping through the night! xo

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Say no to the “self-help” movement

Your beliefs become your choices

In this episode, we dive deep into a conversation about what mindset means to us both in our work and in our personal lives.

We share our own journeys in how a shift in our mindset impacted our quality of life, connection with ourselves and the people we love.

We discuss how this aspect of lifestyle medicine can significantly influence overall health and what we have seen in practice when a patient begins to see themselves and their symptoms in a different perspective.

Looking to gain a deeper understanding of what impacts your behaviors? This episode is for you!

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Say no to the “self-help” movement

Let food be the medicine, and eat the cookie

I knew I had met my partner in crime from the moment Dr. Rachelle and I started a conversation about our approach to nutrition.

In a profession where food is medicine, we discussed how we fumbled in the early days of our careers, with extreme nutrition approaches and unaware diet mentality making its way into patient treatment plans. We share what we have learned over the decades and how our mandate around food and health is one of balance, mind-body health, and sustainability.

Both with our own stories about how we discovered a healthy relationship with food and body image, this conversation is filled with honesty, laughter, and tears as we get passionate about the need to heal food dysfunction.

Grab a cup of tea and a cookie and settle in for an authentic conversation!

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